Eclectic Floridian: BOLTON, possibly a jerk, BUT maybe ...

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

BOLTON, possibly a jerk, BUT maybe ...

Bolton may be an arrogant jerk, but maybe there's a reason for his nomination.

Could the Bush strategy be to put the UN on notice that their crooked, wimpy approach to dealing with world-class criminals hasn't gone un-noticed by the US? After all, the US IS the UNs major monetary supporter.

I'm begining to wonder if we don't need to send a message to the UN (and to NATO). "You want the advantage of US support, send a little support in return."

Don't get me wrong, Bush's "faith-based" government scares Hell out of me. The GOPs recent attacks on the judiciary, constitutionally protected states rights, and legislative rule-changing for self protection, is disgusting.

But, I'm not sure but what the Bolton nomination may be what is needed to let the UN know they need to get their act together. If it works, maybe NATO needs a nudge to remind them they should start financing their OWN protection.


Blogger CWhite said...

Bryan: I agree with you.

I'm not sure this is Conservative vs. Liberal so much as a Policy issue.

You'll notice that my posts are from both sides of the spectrum. US politics is increasingly polarized along these lines. A dangerous trend.

To quote Winston Churchill:
"You can count on the Americans to do the right thing ... after they've tried everything else."

Thanks for your thought-provoking comment.

5/03/2005 9:01 AM  

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